life without fries

for those stories, ideas, images, and other random crap that reminds us how utterly weird the world really is


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Kids a Pain? Use remote control to tame them!

Researchers at NTT just invented a very useful way to keep your roudy children (or significant other) in check and where you want them. The device looks like a headset that sends tiny currents to the area behind your ear, where the body controls balance and position. If the current is small you will just loose your balance, but a strong enough current will actually make the wearer turn towards the side where the current was activated. The full article from here. There is actually a video of a lady being 'driven' by a company spokeperson.

The researchers, when asked what the technology might be used for, mentioned that really expensive flight simulators that actually have to move and turn could be replaced by a static seat if the driver is wearing one of these headsets plugged into the simulator. Another use might be to enhance the experience of watching Top Gun or a car race on tv. Of course, what everyone is thinking but no one dares say is that this little device is a wonderful way to get people to do what you want. It would add a whole new dimension to terrorism, since you could theoretically drug a person just enough so that they are still able to stand up and then 'drive' them around to a big crowded place where the explosives in his/her/its backpack would detonate. Scary stuff...OR you could just use it to get your husband or kid to really get off the tv and clean the dishes.


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