life without fries

for those stories, ideas, images, and other random crap that reminds us how utterly weird the world really is


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

One cold one, comin' up!

Turns out this whole cryogenic freezing (or more correctly, 'cryopreservation') thing is well under way, and much farther along than I would have imagined. Some scientists in the aptly-named 'Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research' froze dogs and then revived them three hours later. They did this by draining their blood and switching it with a really cold salt solution. This makes them clinically dead (no heartbeat, no brain activity) but three hours later their blood was replaced and they were given an electric shock, which revived them. The full story here.

The short-term purpose of this experiment is not to freeze dudes for years while they travel heroically to distant stars and blah blah blah... It has been proven countless times that being frozen, or nearly frozen, helps a lot when you have to receive complicated surgery or survive a really nasty wound while in a battlefield. By being able to safely replace the blood and put the body in a state of suspended animation, doctors can repair all the broken veins and whatnot without their patient dying on them by bleeding to death.

Good stuff, if you ask me...


At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, I'm new to this whole blog thing myself, but read yours randomly and have enjoyed it. Good work for your first crack at it, you've got some pretty entertaining stuff to share!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger daniel said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I really like the idea of being able to put all the cool stuff that is going on around us in one place for everyone to see and comment on.

I want to emphasize that my main goal for this blog is not so much to show the story, but rather to get a conversation started about how this or that story/event will impact our daily lives.


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