life without fries

for those stories, ideas, images, and other random crap that reminds us how utterly weird the world really is


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I added a link to McSweeney's to the "Interweb Schedule" on the right. My good friend Kritika showed me this site and it is a veritable treasure trove of witty sarcasm. I *think* it's mostly user-submitted content/stories with an editor of sorts picking the best ones.

To me it has a certain British-ness to it that I find very intriguing. It is like reading a 1890's periodical magazine, but on a computer screen. Which does baffle some neurons. Thank Buddha I have plenty.

Anyways, enjoy it. Let me know if you find something similar. It just might make it. Almost as if it were an idol. In America.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ze Frank

This is something I've been watching daily for the last week or so and I love it. "The Show with Ze Frank" is basically a 3 minute vlog (video log) were Ze Frank just talks about whatever is in his mind. One day he will give very insightful commentary and analysis on the current situation in Iraq and the next he will sing about making huge babies cry with stairs made out of chairs. It gets better the more shows you watch because it takes a tad to get used to his hiperactivity. This is the one from today (Jan. 11th 07) and he talks about Bush's plan for Iraq.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Just wanted to say that I am still alive. This semester will be much better in terms of work load (both school-wise and job/clubs related) and I have been thinking about doing something with this site. I'll probably make a decision sometime next week.

As a side note, I added links to the comic xkcd and ze frank's The Show, which I think you will all appreciate. xkcd is sometimes funny for the everyday man/woman and sometimes funny for the deep geek, which makes it funny all the time for me.